
If You Can't Beat 'em, Croak 'em

Welcome to AmphibiSoft!

Amphibisoft specializes in games that are not of your normal variety. Animal based games that expand your imagination beyond what was previously thought possible.

Our Games

Bird Watch

Bird Watch

Embark on a journey to photograph birds around your neighborhood in this excited new game.

Game 2

Frogland (COMING SOON!)

Survive in a world where frogs are the new domninent species. You are a humble farmer just here to protect your land, family and crops. Grow unique plants with special properties. Will you fight back against the frog menace or offer them tributes to keep them at bay?

About Us

AmphibiSoft was founded by people who want the truth of Frog Human Hybrids to be released.

Contact Us

Have questions, suggestions, or just want to say hello? Reach out to us!
